Thursday, January 14, 2016

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431. Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota helped in the making and blessing of all the amulets. It were then keep inside the pagoda. It comes with DD Pra authentic certificate.
出塔崇迪佛,背后有手写经文,素林瓦邦帕雅佛寺,佛历2431。龙婆通瓦蜡唷塔佛寺帮助制造和加持这批佛牌,然后再把佛牌放进古塔里。获得DD Pra佛牌协会颁发验证卡。
CODE: 601008

微信: maxleewc

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431. Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota helped in the making and blessing of all the amulets. It were then keep inside the pagoda. It comes with DD Pra authentic certificate.
出塔崇迪佛,背后有手写经文,素林瓦邦帕雅佛寺,佛历2431。龙婆通瓦蜡唷塔佛寺帮助制造和加持这批佛牌,然后再把佛牌放进古塔里。获得DD Pra佛牌协会颁发验证卡。
CODE: 601005

微信: maxleewc

Somdej Prok Pho Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Prok Pho Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Prok Pho Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431. Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota helped in the making and blessing of all the amulets. It were then keep inside the pagoda. It comes with DD Pra authentic certificate.
出塔菩提树崇迪佛,背后有手写经文,Wat Bung Paya Surin,佛历2431。龙婆通瓦蜡唷塔佛寺帮助制造和加持这批佛牌,然后再把佛牌放进古塔里。获得DD Pra佛牌协会颁发验证卡。
CODE: 601002

微信: maxleewc

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Somdej Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Somdej Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Somdej Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x. It comes with Uamulet Authentic Certificate.
CODE: 508014

微信: maxleewc

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431. Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota helped in the making and blessing of all the amulets. It were then keep inside the pagoda. It won No3 Placing in Thailand Chonburi Grand Amulet Competition on 26th April 2015. It comes with Uamulet certificate for authenticity. Attached with Silver waterproof casing.
出塔崇迪佛,背后有手写经文,Wat Bung Paya Surin,佛历2431。龙婆通瓦蜡唷塔佛寺帮助制造和加持这批佛牌,然后再把佛牌放进古塔里。于2015年4月26日,在泰国Chonburi大型佛牌比赛中荣获第三名。获得Uamulet佛牌协会颁发验证卡。配上精美防水银壳。
CODE: 507029

微信: maxleewc

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431. Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota helped in the making and blessing of all the amulets. It were then keep inside the pagoda. It won No2 Placing in Thailand Chonburi Grand Amulet Competition on 26th April 2015. It comes with Uamulet certificate for authenticity. Attached with Silver waterproof casing.
出塔崇迪佛,背后有手写经文,Wat Bung Paya Surin,佛历2431。龙婆通瓦蜡唷塔佛寺帮助制造和加持这批佛牌,然后再把佛牌放进古塔里。于2015年4月26日,在泰国Chonburi大型佛牌比赛中荣获第二名。获得Uamulet佛牌协会颁发验证卡。配上精美防水银壳。
CODE: 507030

微信: maxleewc

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431. Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota helped in the making and blessing of all the amulets. It were then keep inside the pagoda. It comes with Uamulet certificate for authenticity. Attached with Silver waterproof casing.
出塔崇迪佛,背后有手写经文,Wat Bung Paya Surin,佛历2431。龙婆通瓦蜡唷塔佛寺帮助制造和加持这批佛牌,然后再把佛牌放进古塔里。获得Uamulet佛牌协会颁发验证卡。配上精美防水银壳。
CODE: 502033

微信: maxleewc

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x. Nur din pasom chanmak. Thick and rare. It comes with Uamulet certificate for authenticity. Attached with Silver Waterproof casing.
比达佛,龙婆通Wat Rachyota,佛历247x。圣土料参了槟榔渣。很厚,很稀有。获得Uamulet佛牌协会颁发验证卡。配上精美防水银壳。
CODE: 502028

微信: maxleewc

Somdej Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Somdej Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Somdej Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x. It comes with Uamulet certificate for authenticity. Attached with Silver Waterproof casing.
CODE: 502032

微信: maxleewc

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431

Somdej Khru lang yant Wat Bung Paya Surin BE2431. Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota helped in the making and blessing of all the amulets. It were then keep inside the pagoda. It won No3 Placing in Thailand Chaiyaphum Amulet Competition on 26th October 2014.
出塔崇迪佛,背后有手写经文,Wat Bung Paya Surin,佛历2431。龙婆通瓦蜡唷塔佛寺帮助制造和加持这批佛牌,然后再把佛牌放进古塔里。于2014年10月26日,在泰国Chaiyaphum大型佛牌比赛中荣获第三名。
CODE: 411015

微信: maxleewc

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE2436

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE2436

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE2436. It won No 2 Placing in Thailand Amulet Competition. Attached with Silver Waterproof casing.
CODE: 402018

微信: maxleewc

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE243x

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE243x
Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE243x. It won No 2 Placing in Thailand Amulet Competition. Attached with Silver waterproof casing.
CODE: 305005

微信: maxleewc

Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota

Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota
龙婆通师傅是泰国早期的一位老一辈僧人,与崇迪阿赞多大师是同一个时代的人。当年崇迪阿赞多高僧跟随Wat Manichonkarn的阿姜成师傅学习法术的时候,龙婆通其实也跟随过这位师傅学习法术,所以阿赞多与龙婆通的法脉多少是有一点相通的,不过与阿赞多不同的是,龙婆通除了崇迪还做过其他法相的一些圣物,如必达佛/掩面佛。基本那个时代的僧人在做佛牌的时候突出的就是自己心法单独加持的圣粉的重要性,没有像现在社会又金又银的奢侈材料可用,所以可以说一旦在泰国佛教界能闯出名堂的,都绝对是法力出众的师傅,龙婆通就是这样的师傅之一。后来,龙婆通也教导了很多后来成为一代名师的僧人学习法术,他们中包括了大城府Wat Natangnok佛寺全泰招财鱼第一名师龙婆钟,Wat Paknam佛寺九大圣僧百揽佛的创始人龙婆术,Wat Bang Nom Kho佛寺九大圣僧财富第一、神兽崇迪的创始人龙婆班,Wat King Keow佛寺龙婆不,Wat Suan Kan佛寺波禅该等。龙婆通圆寂的时候已经是117岁的高龄了,在泰国佛教历史中可以说是僧侣生涯极长,且在世时间最久的一位高僧了。

Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota

Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota
Luang Phor Tong was the first abbot of Wat Rachyota, Bangkok, and although he governed the temple for almost one hundred years he is today relatively unknown.
 In fact he is probably one the greatest monks that very few people have heard of. Not surprising as he chose to live a simple existence strictly following Lord Buddha’s Dharma and practicing meditation at his temple.
However during the time of King Rama 4 he was one of the most respected monks of his era . He was the disciple of Phra Acharn Seng of Wat Manichonkarn (Lopburi), Phra Acharn Seng was also the teacher of Somdet Phra Buddhachan Toh of Wat Rakang.
 His background is not that well known. His place and year of birth for example have never been recorded. Fortunately it is well documented that he was ordained as monk at Wat Ngernbangprom, Talingchan District, Bangkok, by JaoKun Vinaikijjarithera, former abbot of Wat Ngernbangprom, who acted as Pra Upacha.
 It is also known that he remained at the temple for several years studying sacred sciences under the guidance of JaoKun Vinaikijjarithera. He studied diligently and as a result he was invited to take up the position of Abbot of Wat Rachyota by the founder of the temple. Luang Phor Tong passed away aged 117 years and even to this day is one of the longest living monks in Thai history.
 Luang Phor Tong is known to have studied meditation and sacred sciences from the same teacher as Pra Somdej Buddhachan Toh. When he created his own amulets at a later date they were truly unique, he did not copy those of Somdej Toh or even use them as prototypes for his own design.
 Also a fact little known, even amongst experts, is that LP Tong has been master or taught sacred sciences to many of the most famous monks that have ever lived, these include amongst many others:
1) LuangPu Ler Wat Saochango Chachingsao
2) Luang Phor Jong Wat Natangnok Ayuthaya
3) Luang Phor Kong Wat Bangkrapong
4) Luang Phor Chat Wat Bangkrabao
5) Luang Phor Sod Wat Paknam Paicharoen
6) Luang Phor Klai Wat Suan Kan Nakonsrithamarak
7) Luang Phor Thongyu Wat Mainongpraong Samutt Sakorn
8) Luang Phor Yee Wat Sattaheep (Disciple of LuangPu Ler)
9) Luang Phor Poch Wat Rayotha (2nd abbot)
10) Phraku Kitti Witmon Wat Rayotha (3rd abbot and nephew of LuangPu Thong)
11) LuangPhor Parn Wat Bangnomko Ayuthaya (Learn knowledge of Kom)
12) LuangPu Pheuk Wat King Keow (Close disciple)
13) LuangPu Rod Prachinburi
14) LuangPu Patch Wat Samplum
His most famous amulets were in the form of five Buddha images, also known as Somdej Ha Pra Ong. Initially these amulets were known as Pra Somdej Prajao Ha Pra-ong because it was widely known that he studied under Somdej Toh, this was despite the fact that his amulets did not resemble those of his master in the slightest.
This is also the reason that amulets discovered at the Kru at Wat Bung Praya Suren were also called Pra Somdej, as the designs were very similar to those created by LP Tong. Incidentally there is no direct evidence that LP Tong did bless the amulets discovered at Wat Bung Praya Suren, but most experts agree that it’s a distinct possibility.
Nowadays amulets blessed by Luang Phor Tong are highly desirable not only because of their heritage, beauty and unique designs, but also because LP Tong is still highly respected by many people.
Decades ago the temple was surrounded by many migrants from India most of whom were non Buddhist. They often entered the temple grounds to steal fish from the pond.
Luang Phor Tong is known to have summoned spirits to protect the habitat, and thereafter thieves would only trawl bones of the deceased. This was sufficient to frighten would be thieves away. It is also said that many of the fish transformed into leaves, gaining considerable respect for the monk.
 Many suffering from a deadly outbreak of Cholera visited Wat Lard Buakhao (Wat Rachyota) to ask for help from the sacred monk. It was recorded that his sacred water saved countless lives from the deadly disease.
 One of LP Tongs most renowned abilities was the exorcism of those haunted by ghosts or cursed with black magic. It is recorded that many people would visit his temple to seek a cure from such inflictions.
 Even a youngster was cured by the great monk who used a sacred Thai herb “Plai” whilst reciting sacred spells.

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